Memphis Pest Control

Apex Wildlife Control

(901) 598-8555
Apex is a company dedicated to old fashioned hard work and professional service and it is a business you can depend upon for either residential or commercial service. Apex Wildlife Control is also licensed with local and state regulatory agencies and all employees are bonded and insured. Whether your Memphis wildlife problem is residential or commercial, Apex is the company that you should call for the job - especially since the Apex written guarantee (from 1 to 5 years) protects your property when the job is completed as well.
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Moray Termite Control

(901) 461-6090
Serving Memphis and the surrounding areas since 1951. Residential and Commercial we offer free estimates with no obligations, and letters of clearance. Safe, Reliable Service for a Reasonable Price. We know your home is important to you, and that is why we pride ourselves in providing you with quality work.
"No Job is too small!!"
Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Midsouth Pest & Termite

(901) 386-9222
We're a well-established company serving satisfied customers throughout Memphis and surrounding areas for over 49 years. Building a reputation based on trust and reliability. Offering all your pest control needs and specializing in termite services. Servicing Residential and Commercial Call Today! We Aim to Please – Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Weir Pest Control

(901) 377-1124
We have over 35 years experience in the pest control business. Offering services for all your pest control needs, specializing in Brown Recluse Spiders and Dust mits. We have one of only two machines in West Tennessee to remove dust mits. Our company is constantly searching for new ways to serve and protect your environment. With affordable prices we also provide you with emergency services for weekends and holidays. It is our goal to provide you with the most personalized service that is humanly possible.

Bug Doctor Pest Control

(901) 870-5166
We offer you over 27years experience in residential and commercial pest control. We know that every customer has different needs. That is why we offer quality pest control services at affordable rates. Check out our website for all your bug descriptions and information.

Galloway's Pest Management

(901) 389-5059
With over 30 years experience Galloway's Pest management is a full service company that knows how to deal with all your pesky needs! We offer Green Pest Control an Eco-friendly service that is environmentally safe. Along with these other services: wood destroying organisms, bird control, grain fumigation's, stainless termite barriers, and Real Estate Document. We are a licensed fumigator and licensed contractor. We are your one stop shop for all your pest control needs!
Charter # 4246